Imagine all culture, knowledge and history — the entire human experience — held in a box. Is that box large and complex, or small and concise? Daunting or inviting? Restrictive or helpful?
'Big Box' Thinking
‘Think Outside the Box’ types envision the ‘box’ as a burden; a complex collection of rigid rules applied in narrow scope to achieve a particular success. In this view, the ‘box’ is huge, with only small portions of relevance to any issue at hand.
When finding solutions to issues, this ‘Big Box’ mindset compares functionally similar situations in the recent past to form rules particular to the current issue. One solution, one issue.
'Small Box' Thinking
At PYUS, the ‘box’ is understood differently.
Ours is a small toolbox, where information is not retained as rules and anecdotes, but patterns. Seemingly complex issues are really just groups of simple issues in parallel, which are analogous to even simpler, more ancient issues, and so on. In the end, a minimal number of patterns describe a maximal number of situations.
This ‘Small Box’ mindset compares logically similar components, even of seemingly dissimilar situations, to form guidelines useful beyond the current issue. One solution, many issues.
In short, PYUS provides technology solutions with a multidisciplinary approach.
What helped the first winery in Paris, France will help a manufacturer in Paris, Kentucky today ... the solution must simply be tailored to modern expectations and vocabulary.